Documento Lucio Boccardo, "An L^s-estimate for the gradient of solutions of some strongly nonlinear unilateral problems," Roma: Ist. Matem. dell'Università (1980)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, "Existence and regularity results for some elliptic problems with degenerate coercivity," Roma: Univ. di Roma - Dipart. di Matematica (1996)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, "Almost everywhere convergence of the gradients of solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations," Paris: Univ. P. et M. Curie R91003 (1991)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, "A property of nonlinear elliptic equations with the source term a measure," Paris: Université P. et M. Curie R 93007 (1993)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, Jean-Pierre Puel, Existence de solutions non bornées pour certaines équations quasi-lineaires," Paris: Univ. P. et M. Curie 82-044 (1982)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, Jean-Pierre Puel, "Existence of bounded solutions for non-linear elliptic unilateral problems," MR0980979.
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, Jean-Pierre Puel, "L^\infty-estimate and existence of a solution for some nonlinear elliptic equations," Paris: Univ. P. et M. Curie R 89016
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, Jean-Plerre Puel, "Existence results for some quasi-linear parabolic equations," (1986)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, François Murat, "Nouveaux résultats de convergence dans des problèmes unilateraux," Paris: Univ. Paris VI 81-032
Documento Lucio Boccardo, Giuseppe Buttazzo, "Quasilinear elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients," Pisa: Univ. d. Studi n. 206 (Luglio 1987)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, J. I. Diaz, D. Giachetti, François Murat, "Existence and regularity of renormalized solutions for some elliptic problems involving derivatives of nonlinear terms," Paris: Université P. et M. Curie R 91004 (1991)
Documento Lucio Boccardo, T. Gallouet, "Nonllnear elliptic equations with right hand side measures," Comm. Part. Diff. Equations, 17 (3-4) (1992) 641-655.
Documento Luigi Ambrosio, Gero Frisecke, Jannis Giannoulis, "Passage from quantum to classical molecular dynamics in the presence of Coulomb interactions", Pisa: SNS 000 (2009)
Documento Luigi Ambrosio, Gianni Dal Maso, "A general chain rule for distributional derivatives", Trieste: SISSA 54M (1988)